Bli medlem Ge Gåva

About us

Ung Diabetes (Young Diabetes Sweden) consists of a council of nine representatives. There is one chairman and one co-chairman. The rest of the representatives work has been divided into four different areas of responsibility: local involvement, activites, advocacy and communication. The council comes together for quarterly meetings, and between them we communicate over email. During these meetings we discuss current and upcoming tasks, make desicions, and plan for the future.

Between the quarterly meetings the representatives do their voluntary work from home, more or less every day. The recurring tasks can vary between answering emails, updating social media, writing articles, participating in different events and planning upcoming activities for our members.

The commitment and work done by Ung Diabetes is on a completely voluntarily basis, which means that we do all of our work in our spare time. We therefore ask you to kindly be patient if there is any delay in our reply to you.

Senast uppdaterad 3 februari 2020